特 設 サ イ ト
Healthy and unhealthy plants

(Terms and conditions of the International Year of Plant Health Photo Contest:Healthy Plants and Unhealthy Plants)


(In December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH).
  The year is a once in a lifetime opportunity to raise global awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and boost economic development.
  The“Healthy Plants and Unhealthy Plants”photo contest is an important part of this awareness raising effort.
 Submitted photos will appear on the IYPH, International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and partner websites, and in communication and training materials.
 These photos will help others recognize plant pests and show their impact, and will be used to raise awareness about them during the International Year of Plant Health and beyond.)

 1、2等賞が 4点(各カテゴリー2点)が選ばれます。旅費はすべてIPPCが負担します。
 (Prizes will be awarded to the best four photos (two per category), as well as honorable mentions.
   The IPPC Secretariat will cover the costs of travel, daily subsistence allowance and honoraria at standard United Nations rates.)

 (First Prize: the winner will be invited to the International Plant Health Conference in Helsinki or an event at FAO Headquarters (such as World Food Day) in 2020. All travel expenses will be covered. He or she will also receive a certificate.)

 (Second Prize: An IPPC related photo mission trip in liaison with the nearest IPPC contact and/or FAO office. He or she will also receive a certificate.

 (Honorable mention and people’s choice: 10 honorable mentions (five per category) and a people’s choice award (voted by social media users) will receive a certificate.)

 受賞作品と撮影者は、FAO、IYPH、National Geographic ItaliaのWebサイトとソーシャルメディアチャンネルで紹介されます。
 (Winning photographs and photographers will be featured on FAO, IYPH and National Geographic Italia websites and social media channels.)

 (Winners will be announced in July 2020.)

●応募資格 (Eligibility)
 (The contest is open only to individuals (“Entrants”) who have reached the age of 18 at the time of entering the contest.)

 FAOの職員とその近親者(住んでいる場所に関係なく、配偶者、両親、子供、兄弟姉妹、およびそれぞれの配偶者)またはそのような職員と同じ世帯に住んでいる人は、コンテストに参加する資格がありません。 IPPC事務局による裁量により応募資格を判断します。
 (FAO employees and their immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, siblings and their respective spouses, regardless of where they live) or persons living in the same households of such employees, whether or not related, are not eligible to enter the contest. The IPPC Secretariat will determine eligibility at its sole discretion.)

 (Entrants can only submit to the contest original works for which they are the sole creator and copyright holder.)

 (Photographs should not have dates or text on top of the image.)

 (Each Entrant can send up to five photographs.)

 (All photographs should be in jpeg or jpg format.)

 (Photos should be as high resolution as possible, with a minimum of 3000 pixels in width.)

 (When completing the IYPH Photography contest online form, participants provide their personal information, e-mail and address.)

 (Information including a caption describing the contents within the frame written as complete sentences, date and place the photo was taken, and the name of the photographer must be entered on the entry website when uploading the images.

 (Entrants should also add the metadata information to the IPTC fields within the images (description, location, date photo was taken, name of photographer).)

 (The content of an image must not be altered (adding, moving or eliminating elements within a frame, for example, is not allowed), but basic image retouching is permitted (contrast, brightness, etc.)

 (Entrants must accept the legal conditions described in this form when submitting a photo.)

●応募規約(Terms and conditions)

1.著作権と許可 (Copyright and Permissions)

 1.1 応募作品について
(By submitting works to this contest you confirm that for each work submitted)

  1. 応募作品は自身で撮影したオリジナル作品に限ります。
(You alone are the author of your work and that it is your original work.)

  2. 応募者が著作権の所有者であること。
(You are the sole copyright holder.)

  3. IPPC事務局またはIYPH主催者が要求する使用権以外の著作物の権利は認められません。
(You have not licensed any rights in the work that conflict with the usage rights required by the IPPC Secretariat or IYPH organizers.)

  4. 使用権の付与には、作品にかかわるすべての人の許可が必要です。または16歳未満の場合は、親または保護者の同意をが必要です。
(You have the permission of any persons in the work, or if they are under 16, the consent of their parent or guardian, to grant the usage rights required by the IPPC Secretariat or IYPH organizers.)

  5. 他の第三者の商標、契約権、またはその他の知的財産権が含まれていないこと。
(That it does not include trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any other third person or entity.)

  6. 名前、似顔絵、または有名人や他の公人、生か死かを識別するような特徴が含まれていないこと。
(That it does not contain names, likenesses, or other characteristics identifying celebrities or other public figures, living or dead.)

  7. 他のコンテストの優勝または最終候補の作品ではなかったこと。
(That it has not been a winning or shortlisted entry in any other competition.)

  8. 応募者は応募作品が上記のいずれかに違反したことにより、第三者との間に紛争等が生じた場合、個人または団体に起因するすべてのロイヤルティ、手数料、およびその他の金銭等の請求に対して責任を負い、負担し、IPPC事務局とそのスポンサーおよびパートナーは何ら責任を負いません。
(You will be responsible for any claim made by any third party in respect of your entry and to fully indemnify the IPPC Secretariat and its sponsors and partners in respect of all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person or entity by reason of your breaching any of the foregoing.)

 1.2  IPPC事務局およびIYPH組織委員会は、その裁量により、上記のいずれかに適合しない作品を失格にする場合があります。
(The IPPC Secretariat and IYPH organizing committee reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any entry that does not comply with any of the above, even after the entry is submitted on the competition website.)

2.応募対象外となる作品 (Unacceptable Content)

 2.1 以下の場合、主催者の判断により応募対象外となる場合があります。
   (The IPPC Secretariat and IYPH organizing committee reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any entry:)

  1. 識別可能な個人情報にかかわる視覚情報が含まる場合
(That contains personally identifiable visual information about you or any other person.)

  2. 公序良俗に反すると判断された場合(脅迫、虚偽、誤解を招く恐れのある、虐待、嫌がらせ、名誉棄損、中傷、低俗、わいせつ、人を傷つける、扇動的、ポルノまたは冒涜的な内容が含まれる場合)
(That contains threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane content.)

  3. 刑事犯罪とみなされる行為、民事責任を生じさせ津行為、又は法律に違反する行為を助長する可能性のある場合(That contains any material that could constitute or encourage conduct which would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.)

 2.2 上記のいずれかに違反したことにより発生した個人または団体に起因するすべての費用に関して、IPPC事務局およびIYPH組織委員会とそのパートナーおよびスポンサーを完全に補償することに同意するものとします。 
(You agree to fully indemnify the IPPC Secretariat and IYPH organizing committee and their partners and sponsors in respect of all costs owing to any person or entity arising by reason of your breaching any of the foregoing.)

3.応募者の著作権・人格権 (Your Copyright and Moral Rights)

 1. 応募作品の著作権他、諸権利(二次的著作物の利用に関わる権利を含みます)は、応募者に帰属します。
(The IPPC Secretariat and IYPH organizing committee respect your rights and do not claim ownership or copyright for works you submit to this contest, you will retain full ownership and copyright to each entry.)

 2. 応募者の著作者人格権が尊重されます。IPPC事務局、IYPH組織委員会とそのパートナーが応募者の作品を発表する際には、応募者がクレジットされます。誤り又は見落としのためにクレジットを公開しない場合、この条件の違反とはみなされません。
(In addition your moral rights are respected. Whenever your work is published by the IPPC Secretariat and IYPH organizing committee and their partners you will be credited. Failure to publish a credit due to error or oversight shall not be deemed a breach of this condition.)

4. 作品の使用 (Use of Works)

 4.1 このコンテストに参加することにより、応募者は、応募したいかなる作品も、IPPC事務局およびIYPH組織委員会とそのパートナーによって非営利的なマーケティングおよびプロモーション目的で無料で使用できることに同意するものとし、以下のもの含みます:
(By entering this contest you agree that any work you submit may be used free of charge by the IPPC Secretariat and IYPH organizing committee and their partners for non-commercial marketing and promotional purposes, these uses include:)

  1. コンテストにおける審査。
(Judging the competition.)

  2. IPPCおよびIYPH Webサイト(およびパートナーのWebサイト)およびソーシャルメディアネットワーク上での応募作品の表示。
(Displaying the entries on the IPPC and IYPH websites (and websites of partners) and social media networks.)

  3. コンテストやIPPCとその締約国の取組を促進するための公開展示会での応募作品の表示。
(Displaying the entries at public exhibitions to promote the competition or work of the IPPC and its contracting parties.)

  4. IPPCとその締約国の取組を促進するための非営利目的で使用する書籍、ドキュメント、ビデオ、またはその他の媒体における応募作品の表示。
(Displaying the entries in a book, documentation, videos or any other media for non-commercial use to promote the work of the IPPC and its contracting parties.)

  5. IPPCとその締約国の取組、およびIYPHを促進するために、ポスター、ポストカード、カレンダーで応募作品を公開すること。
(Publishing the entries on posters, postcards, calendars to promote the work of the IPPC and its partners, and the IYPH.)

  6 .IPPC、IYPH組織委員会およびそのパートナーの作業を促進するために、事前に定義されたフォーマットに適合するように、必要に応じて作品をトリミングおよびサイズ変更すること。
(Cropping and re-sizing the work as necessary to fit pre-defined formats to promote the work of the IPPC, the IYPH organizing committee and their partners.)

  7. コンテストおよびIPPC、IYPH組織委員会、およびそのパートナーの関連メディアのリリースに関連して、複製のために報道機関に応募作品のサブライセンスを付与すること。
(Sub-licensing the entries to the press for reproduction in connection with the competition and any related media release on the IPPC, the IYPH organizing committee and their partners.)

 4.2 応募者は、IPPC事務局、IY​​PH組織委員会、およびそのパートナーに、上記4.1で説明した非営利的使用のための世界中の非独占的、取消不能、無料、永久ライセンスを各応募作品に対して付与するものとします。
(You hereby grant the IPPC Secretariat, the IYPH organizing committee and their partners a non-exclusive, irrevocable, free and perpetual license throughout the world for the non-commercial uses described in 4.1 above, for each Entry)

 4.3 応募者は、例えば透かしの挿入などにより、第三者による悪用から応募作品を保護する責任を認めます。 IPPC事務局、IPPC、IYPH組織委員会およびそのパートナーは、作品の誤用等についての責任を負いません。
(You acknowledge your responsibility for protecting your Entry against misuse by third parties, by for example, but not limited to, the insertion of a watermark. The IPPC Secretariat, the IPPC, the IYPH organizing committee and their partners can assume no responsibility and are not liable for any misuse of works.)

5.選考と選択基準 (Process and selection criteria)

 (The contest opens on the 2 December 2019 and closes on 15 June 2020. Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.)

 (After the deadline for submissions has expired, the IPPC Secretariat will select the best 10 photographs for each category (total: 20 photos) received within the deadline and based on the following criteria: relevance to the themes, artistic and/or technical merit, accuracy and thoroughness of information, originality and communicative value.)

 (The 20 selected photographs for each category will be submitted to the Jury, formed by three members of the IPPC Secretariat, one FAO staff member and one representative of the National Geographic Italia, which will select the four photographs from the shortlist of 10 for the first and second prize winners of each category.)

 (The remaining photographs will be posted on the FAO social media channels and fans will be given the opportunity to vote (“like”) the photos during a period of approximately 10 days. A people’s choice award will be assigned to the photograph with the most likes. All remaining photos will receive an honorable mention certificate.

 (After the deadline for voting has expired, the winners will be notified by email using the contact details they provided with their entries. In the event that any of the selected winners of any prize is ineligible, refuses the prize, cannot be traced or does not respond within 10 days to a winner notification, the prize will be forfeited and it will be in the sole discretion of the Jury to choose whether to award the prize to another eligible entry.)

6.承諾 (Acceptance)

 (By submitting entries to the contest, the Entrant confirms that the rules for this competition, as set out above, have been read, understood, and agreed to by the Entrant.)